Thursday, January 19, 2017

Pet Possibilities!

If you could choose any animal to be your pet, what animal would you choose? What problems do you think you might have when taking care of this pet?


  1. I want a lion and a emperor penguin. the lion might eat all of the food

  2. I want a fairy penguin and a gold fish

  3. If I could choose any animal for a pet, I would choose a dolphin. The problem I would have is not having a big enough salt water area for it. I think I would have to move to the beach, so it could swim freely in the ocean. I would have to train it to come see me each day and swim with me.

  4. I would like a Iguana

  5. Natalie I would like to have a Pegues. A problem I will have is not having enough space for it to fly.

  6. I want a bird or a trex

  7. I would like a horse, because I would like to ride it.

  8. if I could have any pet in the world it would be a cheetah or a tiger and if I had a problem like one of them running away I would search the world for them if I had to!!!

  9. I would want a baby bunny but the problem is that it a lot reponceabilte

  10. I would love to have a pet monkey,they are so cute!

  11. I would like to have a gecko for a pet because it can play hide and seek with me by camouflage, and it can bring anything to me.

  12. If I had a pet I would choose a dolphin. My problem would be no space and no water.

  13. If I had to pick any pet in the world I would pick a bird because they are cute.
